Chiropractic advice – Foot problems linked to back pain
Have you ever wondered why our chiropractors in Geelong take the time to look at your feet and ankles when we are assessing you for back problems? At Latrobe Health Centre, chiropractic assessment of a person with low back pain often includes an assessment of the lower limb (hip, knee, ankle and foot).
Problems in your feet can create problems in other areas of your body like your knees, hips and lower back. These foot and ankle problems don’t create back problems in everyone, but it’s important to have the area assessed to make sure they’re not contributing to your pain.
The feet are the foundation on which your body moves. A number of studies have now linked conditions like flat feet, excessive pronation (foot and ankle rolling in) and ankle instability (problems with ankle control) to lower back and other joint pain. These foot and ankle problems cause the body to work differently to how it is designed. As a result, the body compensates and adapts potentially causing excessive force in the joints, muscles and ligaments of the ankles, knees, hips and spine.
Some things you can look out for.
A couple of things to look out for if you suspect you may have a foot or ankle issue that may be contributing to you low back pain:
- Your back pain seems to be worse when standing for long periods of time
- Your back pain increases after walking or jogging
- One hip is higher than the other or you feel like you walk with a mild limp
- Your shoes wear out quickly, especially on the inside of your shoes
- You have callous’ or regularly get blisters when you walk or jog.
Podiatrists and Chiropractors in Geelong working together – it makes sense.
We are fortunate that our chiropractors in Geelong work alongside a great group of podiatrists so if we recognize any significant foot or ankle problems that are outside of our area of expertise we can refer you to one of our Podiatrists for a more thorough assessment.
Our podiatrists use the latest 3D foot scanning technology as well as video analysis and pressure sensory analysis for walking and running assessments. This allows them to accurately assess lower limb biomechanics and the effect this may be having on the low back and hip regions.
If you’re suffering from back pain and its holding you back from performing at your best, give us a call or book online to schedule an appointment with one of the chiropractors in Geelong today.