Dr Kerry Posniak (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is a practitioner with a gentle and friendly manner who practices a specialised style of Japanese Acupuncture and facilitates Qigong. As an adjunct to her practice, Kerry offers Laser acupuncture and laser photomedicine, which is pain-free and non-invasive. She has a particular interest in women’s health, and how psycho-emotional health affects wellness.
Kerry has nearly 10 years valuable experience working in healthcare. The combination of her modalities helps restore greater harmony and equilibrium, assisting people in healing themselves.
Graduating from Victoria University with honours, Kerry received Most Oustanding Student Award for her year in 2006. She then completed a further two year apprenticeship learning the refined techniques of traditional Japanese acupuncture with Okuma Katsuhiko, the highly respected master of the style. She is also a medical Qigong instructor and was instrumental in developing the curriculum at Southern School of Natural Therapies when she taught there for three years.
Originally a biomedical science student, Kerry discovered acupuncture and Qigong and was inspired to re-orientate her studies in the direction of Oriental medicine. Kerry started studying martial arts in 2002 under Master Liu De Ming, 5th generation lineage holder of Zi Ran Men martial arts. Kerry has since gone on to gain valuable experience teaching Tai Chi, Qigong and Taoist meditation. These styles of Qigong are immeasurably beneficial in moving Qi, calming the mind, strengthening the body and harmonising the physical, emotional and mental aspects of being.
After three years of lecturing in Medical Qigong to Chinese medicine degree students at Australia’s premier school of complementary medicine, Southern School of Natural Therapies, Kerry decided to have a sea-change in 2009 and hence moved her clinic to Geelong.
She facilitated Qigong classes and group acupuncture at St. Vincent’s hospital in Melbourne as part of their detox program. She also taught Qigong at the Australian Shiatsu College and Geelong Grammar School.
Kerry holds a Degree – Bachelor of Health Science (Traditional Chinese medicine/Acupuncture) with honours, Certificates in Martial Arts instruction, Advanced Pranic Healing and Pranic Psychotherapy. She is registered with the Chinese Medicine Registration Board in Australia and the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.
Kerry enjoys personal and professional development and often does workshops to enhance her clinical skills.
Esoteric Acupuncture (as taught by Mikio Sankey) harmonises the energetic system using geometric acupuncture patterns, thus deepening and expanding awareness.
For bookings call 0425 801 912 or 52226868.
“Keep a green tree in your heart, and perhaps a singing bird will come” – Chinese proverb