What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal (nerve, muscle and joint) system and the effects of these disorders on pain, function and general health. Our Geelong chiropractor’s pay particular attention to conditions affecting the spine.
There is an emphasis on manual techniques, including joint adjustment and/or manipulation, with a particular focus on joint dysfunction, or what chiropractors commonly refer to as subluxations.
Chiropractic practice emphasizes the conservative management of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system without the use of medicines and surgery. Since inception, chiropractic has involved the use of a variety of other modalities aimed at improving health and function. Management options includes joint and soft-tissue manual treatments, rehabilitation exercises, patient education and lifestyle modification, and the use of physical therapy modalities and orthotics and other supports.
Surveys demonstrate that the primary reasons patients consult chiropractors are back pain (approximately 60%), other musculoskeletal pain such as pain in the neck, shoulder, extremities, and arthritic pain (20%) and headaches including migraine (10%). About 5-10% of people present with a wide variety of conditions possibly aggravated by, mimicking or caused by neuromusculoskeletal disorders.