Fluids, Sports Drinks and Gels
While you still have time to prepare for the River Run, it is good to think about how you will nourish and replenish your body before, during and post your event.
The following gives you a few quick ideas around fluids and foods to support you with your preparation for the 5-10km River Run.
1. Hydration.
Keeping up your fluids is very important. Fluids are easily lost in the heat and while exercising. This will lead to dehydration, loss of concentration and poor sports performance. Ensure you have had plenty to drink in the hours prior to the event. Water is the fluid of choice for events such as this. If required take a small water bottle with you and make sure include water in your recovery phase after the event.
2. Sports drinks.
For short events of 5-10km there is no real need for Sports Drinks, as long as you are well hydrated and have fuelled up prior to the event.
3. What to eat.
Everyone is different with what they can tolerate prior to an event. Some people can manage solid foods while other find their nerves prevent them from eating meals and they can only tolerate fluids. The idea is to eat 2-3 hours prior to the event; having low fibre, high carbohydrate foods or fluids. Liquid meal such as Sustagen®, Up & Go® etc. are suitable if you cannot eat a meal.
4. Practise.
Whatever your plans are for before, during and after the event, practise your routine on your training days so you can adjust and fine your food and fluid intake to best support you to enjoy the event and recover well.
Watch out for my next update on sports gels and carbohydrate loading.
Rachel Jeffery
Accredited Practising Dietitian Geelong
Accredited Nutritionist
Sports Dietitian Geelong